The Scottish Terrier Club (England) has carried out a routine Data Protection assessment. Any member who does not wish to have their details appear within the address section of the yearbook please contact the Acting Secretary. |
The Scottish Club (England) will be holding its annual Championship show at the Kennel Club building on Saturday 20th July. Our judge is Mr David Guy (Donzeata).
I would like to thank our wonderful, generous sponsors. Janet Tomlinson, Milena Marsalova, Dorwest Herbs and STECS. We have been able to buy some lovely gifts that will go down the line so everyone will get a little memento of the day.
We also have AJ Catering attending so there will be bacon and sausage butties in the morning and lunch will be a selection of sandwiches, quiche, pasta, salads, pastries and cakes as well as hot and cold drinks. All dietary requirements are catered for.
Lastly we have the Special Raffle of the signed copy of the Kennelgarth Scottish Terrier Book written by Miss Betty Penn-Bull. Anyone not attending can buy raffle tickets via PayPal. Please PM me and I will organise your tickets.
Hope to see you there!